Thursday, April 29, 2010

In honor of nature's beauty

So in honor of Mother Nature I shall write...
This summer I decided to take a class about Ralph Waldo Emerson who is a well known naturalist. He inspired people of his time and through the decades that follow to listen to the call from the earth, water, and skies. Last night as I was driving home from class, the moon was big, full and bright. There wasn't even an opportunity to ignore this big ball in the sky. So it accompanied me home and I felt safe. Here is write my journal absorbed:

What if I could visit the moon?
What would I want to take?
What if this car grew wings and took me straight away?
What if the moon shone no more?
What if the moon were to die?

O Moon, don't go
Stay here, visit me every night
I've seen you thousands of times
But never noticed you watching over me
Hovering just so

I noticed you tonight.
I gazed.
You gazed.
So big and full that the stars were erased.
I drove faster and still you were there.

And then you followed me home.
I see you now from my bed through the glass pane.
Still gazing at me.
You are the last vision of my day.
Perhaps I'll visit you tonight.

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